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Headless Wedding Photos

Written By master video on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 | 8:17 AM

You could say that this will be a little more critical type of a post. But I've been thinking about this type of photography for some time now, especially since we were having our own wedding photos taken just not long ago ( in jun this year , yeah I'm a fresh baked wife he he ), and i  found myself having suprsingly strong oppinions about the matter. I don't know if anyone is thinking like i do, but i just thought i would share with you my thoughts.

So what am i talking about here? Well... I'm talking about new big trend in the wedding photography - Headless Wedding Photos. I know there is a certain idea behind making photos without heads. The idea is to make hands, bouquet , shoes - or something else instead of head be as the main priority. To kinda make your eye go in the dirrection wanted without facial expressions taking the attention away. But to me there just something little cripy about headless photoshoots. At first i didn't even think of it, but it seems to be a new trend to take photos without heads, and honestly i don't know what to think of it... I guess i just old fashion. The real feelings can be seen in the face and cutting it off... oh well...

After searching around the "wild wild web" I can say, that there are clearly 3 types of a headless shoots you can find. I call them Romantic Almoust Headless Shoots, No Head or Shoulders Shoots and A Guillotine Cut-Type of Headless Shoots.


1. Romantic almoust headless shoots

There is something very romantic in this shoots. Yes you can't see part of the heads, but there is emotions.. This are both beautiful and artistic photos. What do you think ?

2. No head or shoulders shoots


I must say i love this photo. The hands are in the main attention and you almoust can feel the emotions and almoust like looking at someting so pressios... Love it! photo



This ones can be called as traditional wedding bouquet shoots :



Dress / Accessories closeup photoshoots <3

3. A guillotine cut-type of a headless shoots

This photos are the ones that make me go nuts.... This bride for example... It makes me wonder if her bridesmades more beautiful than she is and that is the reason for cutting their heads off :)

There is something cool in this photo, even while headless :) The attitude is just right!

So he is tall, is it good enough reason to cut his head from the photo ?

Personally i can say that i do like the Headless Photos of types 1 and 2, but dislike the guillotine type. Then again i think that the mood in which the photos are taken is extrimely important. You can basicly take photos the what ever type you like ( headless or with heads or what ever ) and they will look fantastic as long as you can bring the feeling in them. So that the characters on the photo are not just standing still looking lifess ( lifess brings in creepy), as that is what easily happends when there are no faces to show the emotions.


What do you think about headless wedding photos ? Did you make any? Or are you going to have some ?



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