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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Written By master video on Thursday, October 6, 2011 | 5:35 PM

Yummy in my tummy!
Yeah my lack of posts really sucks on this blog this week.  I know I shouldn't have excuses but I do.  I started playing around with Photoshop and discovered new brushes to use.  Did you know these brushes gets me just as excited as makeup brushes?  I played around with them and learned how to color things and retouch much better, easier, and faster.  Then, I thought I would work on some Into the Palette posts.  This got me in my very critical mood.  I started second guessing myself and just scrapped about three tutorials.  (I do have one up on how to Westernize Asian Eyes.)  Once this happens frustration sets in and I go for the sweet things like what you see pictured above.  If you are wondering if I am getting fat, no.  I eat that stuff to make sure I don't lose weight.  Admittedly, Ben & Jerry's has changed and I find the ice cream now leaves a sweet after taste that makes me want to scrape my tongue and drink gallons of water.  But hey, red velvet ice cream?  How could I resist.

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