Written By master video on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | 10:19 PM

I’ve always enjoyed reading other’s ‘a photo an hour’-posts. Lately I’ve been a lot about glitter and shows but of course my life is not all about that. My days differ a lot depending on weather I work from home or weather I go to work or just have a day off. This is what my Monday looked like.

08:00 I wake up - very early for being me - and take it pretty easy with coffee and the morning paper

09:00 I start unpacking my bags from Friday’s show – my flat is always a mess of clothes, make up and shoes after a burlesque gig (I’m really slow with those things; it’s the same with unpacking after a trip).

I store my stage stuff in hat boxes. At my place it’s close to impossible to try to put anything in bags or boxes without having to remove a cat first…

10: Work!

11:00 Still working. The winter weather looks really nice and crisp outside.

12:00 I go to a business lunch with my friend K and a long term client of ours.

13:00 Some burlesque-related shopping in the sewing store. Lots and lots of glittering stuff.

14:00 I drag my lazy behind to the gym. For someone who used to work out eight times a week (which is too much btw) I nowadays find it rather hard to get there, so I had to stop by some stores just to postpone the whole thing… I do enjoy working out in general and the gym I go to is really fresh and all but I have a slight hidden attitude problem with some of the other that exercise there; posers, hysteric anorectics or women that actually spray and fix their hair and apply makeup before working out.Hmpf. (I guess this was the whine-moment of the day then...)

17:00 Back at home. I sew a bit on my stage outfit for Saturday’s show. (I also do the dishes and some laundry, take out the trash and clean up cat puke but that wouldn’t make very nice pictures now would it).

18:00 I start making dinner (rather proudly since I tend to eat out quite a lot otherwise. I even bake a bread goddamit!)

19:00. I get company, and that’s the end of the picture taking for that night.

Todays HBF happening: exhibition opening of works from past Dr-Sketchy's as well as burlesque portraits from Paule Saviano.


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