Written By master video on Monday, October 6, 2008 | 12:57 PM

Cat pendant -An old gift from my youngest sister

Today I was actually going to do a whole different cheerful post but plans change...

When I came home last night after working the whole day I noticed one of my black panthers was really sick and in pain. We left to the animal hospital and I stayed there until half past two in the morning waiting while the vet had my cat, after which I was told he was going to have to spend the rest of the week in the kitty hospital. My cat is goin to need special food for, eh, forever or something but he is still going to be ok!

He sure is such a bad-luck black cat; he keeps on getting stuck beneath my drawers and still insists on going there, he was the one who dissapeared in April and he often eats until he throws up. Bad bad kitty. (Spit three times over your shoudler if you see him crossing your street!) But I do feel rather lucky to live in the city where there actually are animal hospitals that are open late on a Sunday night! (Of course, you really do pay for the service. Bye bye planned weekend trip to Oslo I guess).

I had to get up extremly early today so only had the time to catch two hours of sleep before heading off to do some work again. Not exactly a good way to start the week. But Mondays doesn't count anyway ; I'm really going to sleep now and start all over tomorrow.


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