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Going to a Wedding Fair

Written By master video on Sunday, January 22, 2012 | 9:16 AM

Today we had a Wedding Fair in our little city and of course i wanted to go and see what new is offered for future brides and grooms.  Attending a wedding show can be very helpful in planning your wedding. You will be able to meet and ask questions from many wedding professionals all under one roof! You can gather information, compare prices and services, register for prizes, see the latest fashions and simply get great new ideas. As our city is really small, the fair wasn't huge, but it was nice to see what was offered.

I think the most use from such events can get couples that haven't yet started to prepare their wedding day. This is because many local venue offering companies have their booths and you can even book your wedding day right there. But even if you have almost everything prepared for your dream wedding, you can always come and try your luck in numerous amount of competitions and taste some cakes :)

I was mostly curious to meet different photographers and see their works as i think that is one of the most important part of any wedding. The wedding itself will come and go surprisely fast and you might not even remember half of things happened that day, but photos will stay with you for ever.

Honestly i was little disappointed, as i expected to see more than i actually did. But what can you do when city is as small as ours is. But still got my fiance to agree to come to a local wedding store to try out some groom clothing ! So going to the wedding fair was worth it ! :) And if i am lucky i will win 4 wedding shoots, a wedding car, flower arrangement, few cakes, hair cut, free ring design and fabrication, wedding bag and a veil, wedding band, and many other things i can't remember i wrote my name for. If lucky.... :) If you consider to go to Wedding Fair here are some tips that i think could help your day be more fruitful:

1. Purchase your tickets in advance. It usually cost more to buy tickets at the door. I wasn't sure about going till the last minute, so didn't use my own advice there :)

2. If possible come prepared with pile off labels with your name, phone number, e-mail address, and wedding date printed on them. This will save you a lot of time when you register for the prizes at individual booths. Yep i wrote every single one by hand... smart :)

3. Bring your date book with you so you can schedule your appointments for follow up.

4. Collect as much literature as you can from everyone. When you find a vendor you would like to follow up with, take a pen and write what struck you as appealing about them on their business card or literature. When you get home and are faced with brochures from 10 different photographers, your note may be the only thing you have to remember which ones you liked and why. Also, write down any good tips they might give you on THEIR literature to help you remember who was knowledgeable and helpful. 

5. Ask lots of questions, the show is filled with wedding professionals, and while you're there you should take advantage of the opportunity to learn as much as you can. These vendors want to impress you with their knowledge of their particular specialty...take advantage of .

Here are some of literature i got. That balloon flower was made by one very nice guy, who was offering both his musical skills and entertaining skills for the weddings. If only we can afford, i would really love to have him at our wedding. I think kids would love him ! <3 Walking home from wedding fair was dangerous task.. Every little girl was looking after me and my balloon, but somehow i managed to get home in one piece :)



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