Written By master video on Thursday, February 21, 2008 | 1:42 PM

Skirt- my grandmother's old, Blouse and belt - Indiska, Tights - H&M
The most pink nails you can get - Rimmel no811 "Pulsating"
and even more pink lips - Dior no565 "Devislish rose"

As I've mentioned every now and then, I freelance around with quite many things, not just design. Yesterday I did some mysteryshopping, you know, when you seem to go out shopping but actually evaluate the sales personnel and the store in general. At first it was much harder than I thought because there are so many things that you must do, stuff to ask the sales assistants and so on, things that I might not do when I go shopping 'for real'. I am not allowed to buy anything when doing this, but one of the skirts I tried on really tempted me, so I might go back and get it some other day...

Work. Mostly I am content with my work constellations. As said before, I do a lot of work from home and then I do some random things, but I'm also employed at a couple of companies. This means that some weeks I'm constantly working, while I have about every second week free, when I work from home or then just don't work at all.

Still sometimes I wonder weather I should just "cut my hair and get a real job" (Ok, I'm not going to cut my hair but I guess you all get the point). There are days when get deeply stressed and feel kind of a social pressure that I should apply for some actual poisiton, but then there are days when I wouldn't change the fact that I for example can go for a week's holiday just like that and still keep my official vacation later on. Or go out on any weekday and sleep as late as I want the next morning. (On my free weeks, that is)

One of my test-shops yesterday were at a mall close to where my parents live; where I spent my childhood. In the bus I met my old classmate, who had moved back there after some years abroad. We were good friends when we were ten, but now we don't really know each other that well anymore, we've only met briefly during the past ten years. She was working as an airplane hostess, loked great, and was strangely enough quite up to date with what I was doing - we've added each other on facebook some time ago. (I'm a bit ashamed to say I hardly check up on anyone on facebook, except for the people I hang out with all the time anyway). She said that she was always checking out the photos my sister and I post from work and the parties we go to and to her it seemed that we were out and about all the time. "I always think, that oh, how do you keep up with that. Quite the life you have there" she said, sounding both enthusiastic and a bit ironic at the same time (but she sounded like that when she was ten too now that I think about it...).

Well, it is of course one thing what your life like looks like on the outside ( or in facebook, hrmm...) and another what it actually is, but I still got a good feeling from that and realized that since I'm mostly enjoying myself it's not really time to cut the hair and get that job yet. I might even never have to do that. Phew.


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