Written By master video on Monday, January 7, 2008 | 10:04 AM

Dress - Diesel, Scarf - Indiska
Turtleneck knit and tights- H&M

I went out to get some groceries and to buy some haircolour (still trying to get my hair white again after having it a bit darker last summer) and decided that I was tired of looking like shit even though I'm a bit sick. So I dressed nice and warm and made myself look like a russian (sort of) doll with a folky style knitted dress, a patterned wool scarf and red cheeks, a dark red small mouth and long lashes (Lancomes Fatale always does the trick). Cute outfit but since I kept my jacket all the time no one really saw it...

Outside it was snowing for the first time this winter (apart from a few days in November I think) and everything was quite calm and quiet even though there were a lot of people around. Snow somehows soften all noises and sounds in such a strange way. I decided to walk to a store a bit further away than the one on my street to get some fresh air - and so that someone actually could see my nice outfit...- and I ended up buying a lot of vegetables for my soups and different kinds of juices. In the end my bag became really heavy and I'm still weak and coughy so I was sweating and it was hell to walk back. I looked like shit anyway when I got back home.


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