Cardigan & beret - second hand
Shirt & bag - Indiska
Shoes - Attitude
Tights - H&M
I've been real cutlural and arty today. Earlier today I went to the Museum of Arts to see the basic exhibition of fine arts; the one that is constant. Before studying graphic design I studied painting for a year and then we went there all the time, but now I haven't been there for ages. It felt nice just to walk around and look at the pieces I've seen so many times before. Muesums are such nice buildings themselves, there is always an atmosphere of... I don't know how to put it, reverence and calm I guess, in them.
Now I'm on my way to see a play with my mother that I've been looking forward to. We always go to see plays by this theatre group, they're a bit close-to-the-edge-arty and experimental but most of the time it works. Exciting to see how it will be tonight then.
(and yes! Referring to yesterday, I am wearing flat shoes for once :)
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